Should soften stance, turning to the negotiating table

: Although analysts International situation called purge criminals and told to suspend temporarily Demonstrations by the Royal In parks that a serious political crisis And demanding a solution political But for the perception A small corner of my It does too However , this event I try to consider it A fitting force Between the government led by the CPP And the opening of the campaign on the battlefield to protest all forms of opposition .
Finally catch up on the battlefield Democratic CPP is to return as leaders of the Royal That you experience in leadership Since the war until there is peace . Whereas those beneficiaries difficult Is the National Salvation Party . Therefore to the Khmer nation to maintain the integrity and order society As a sovereign state I see that Opposition not the opportunity to lead the nation , should show a more gentle stance CPP to power To move toward talks It is best not Has lost the dignity of the people and no one loses In the political game Democratic Ultimately , only the people And Nations A succession of wealthy majestic hall from the leadership of both political parties .
Although SRP now he never spoke publicly About the count depends me Help convey political messages Samdech Techo Hun Sen past But the fact it has Already occurred . So now , even if SRP HE not need me Or not , but I would suggest some As I worked the last two ( 2006 and 2011 until mid- 2013 ) relating to him personally To solve the problem with Royal Samdech Techo Hun Sen .
I encourage and remain sympathetic with HE HE Sensitive soft stance To the negotiations Solving major national Of current And in the future though Phnom Penh Court Island invited him to comment on 14 January 2014, the story of incitement to commit crimes Or commit serious cause chaos Opening to social security .
Do repetitive thing happens for the first 3 in his political life . Now HE as well as Putin KemSokha ( Uncle also count on me in 2005 and later helped create a party Human Rights in 2006 ) should stand gentle turning to Samdech Techo Hun Sen, even though he and Uncle different political But have the same common goal , Is the nation And citizens Honor , dignity And improvement in living standards Under the cold crowned the royal throne , King Majesty the King King Norodom Sihamoni As of an meridian are គ្រងរាជ្យសម្បត្តិ .
HE experience and my uncle used to count As well as upholding the conversation negotiated deal between Khmer and Khmer and family with CPP That end, we always see a positive result , despite the prolonged long Or meet some obstacles . While the Municipal Court now issue a summons he and Uncle into lighting on 14 January , however , But for me, Experienced More than 20 years as a journalist and had received a warm Senior management from government Especially Samdech Techo Hun Sen , as well as HE and Uncle I hope How to resolve a tamophlauvonyobeay , Khmer and must have But please do not make much foreign Feedback We leave our congratulations When we know how to handle themselves finish first.
I can say honestly that In the political context Of current And future presence Samdech Techo Hun Sen really can not be overlooked I consider strategic policy of Samdech Hun Sen soft like a dragon .
HE strategy and did not consider Then Samdech Techo Hun Sen as the main leader In the issue this nyobeayokhmer and Ever make his political life and Uncle always fail until And asks proud victory not to target This too . History Showed us all Since the post - Angkorian Earn and win too It has brought us to the grief and perish of the Khmer nation later , especially Khmer Hell Pol Pot , Ieng Sary and Khieu Samphan because losing tbe head from outside .
Now , the means for ending post - election issues remaining On 28 July 2013 , only two parties Which have seats in Congress , especially the top leaders who must sit once confronted for the discussion from now on . Ekuk and compassionate throwing Then the concept of " Sen " or the word new slogan That plague the national party to save , " Hun Sen , went " by the need to adhere to the principle that only we Khmer solve Khmer Khmer themselves .

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