Military forces must be deployed along Veng SRENG

ប៉ូលិស វ៉េងស្រេង ៦១០
Government armed forces Patrolling the streets Veng SRENG After firing cracks caused protesters dead On January 3, 2014.The workers who stay in these areas Were evacuated And locate a series of safety After the violent crackdown in the past . There are very few people Who continue to stay in the crowd Because there was no choice .
All armed forces are deployed along both sides of the road Veng SRENG Position that sparked violence To handle the situation after the crackdown on demonstrators And the deployment of military forces Be criticized Cambodia Seems likely under battlefield stress .
The people who live near roads Veng SRENG Said on January 5 , when their lives are under the pressure of a panic Fears Concerns Is not responsible of the management of DK POL : ' When it is caught workers Take one ... It caught hold and it It deceit and Hawaii unless it dies on the spot . So I see the evidence of my massage. I charred market ! Now there also remains silent You travel to the home factory gradually and Digest . Oum born four generations and still do not like war . Hawaii now come alive Fresh colonies . Scary the Smooth nervous .
Overview accompanied the trail Veng SRENG at this time returning to normal Later suppressed by live ammunition And smoke bombs By repression of the competent authorities Ordered by Roth sra Military commander Phnom Penh Directly , on Jan. 3 .
Gasoline stations and small stalls selling along both sides of the road Business start gradually and As of January 5 .
But even if the situation has come to improve Quiet and slightly Military force be deployed saekaskah Along both sides of the road yet . Army patrol 70 with hand weapons Mobile continues military trucks driving down steadily since a crackdown by the military police shooting Phnom Penh Against demonstrations ago .
Military officers patrol division 70 on sections Veng SRENG Many RFA Said on January 4 that none of the passenger off right cross But this mechanism To strengthen security reasons .
On January 4 , the Ministry of Interior Issued a statement denying allegations that Authority to use armed force against protesters . The letter said What events happened in the course of time , Operation is to facilitate the use of violence Off public roads And destruction of property .
To crack down on the 2nd and 3rd day of January , 23 people were arrested . LICADHO 's report found that death in the event firing cracks on 3 deaths later sent to the hospital , there were 4 people and people can more 40 other Heavy and light injuries . This number of deaths Have not changed yet . Nevertheless, the For the location of the detention Those who are arrested Still in mystery .
RFA Can not find the requested clarification from the court officials Around this issue For the location of the detained 23 people . Yet trusted source asked not to be named, RFA made ​​aware that people who are arrested Be sent to the commune in detention CC4 in the province .
LICADHO Ath said that prison is about 50 km Pursat Local cardamom . Prior to get there You have to cross the road up the mountain slope And wild stocks .
Ath called the continuing military deployment And crackdown By the government of Prime Minister Hun Sen is back progress of democracy in Cambodia : We take force Or armed forces To make the handle To manage the situation It 's the diet . It was as if that were split into two It 's the military regime Controlled by the military . As far as we are a democratic country We do not want to see otherwise It makes people really have a serious nervous .
However , the situation at this time Seems battlefield . In Phnom Penh Was strictly security forces Key target As a democratic And sections , Norway Sreng these particular locations Do not allow a lot of people are gathered .


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