5 monk Army forces umbrella reference 911 DetainedBe released

ព្រះសង្ឃ បាតុកម្ម ៦១០
5 monk who was released from the Army Special Forces Command umbrella reference 911 at 12 midnight on 3 January 2014 .RFA / Sek Bandith
Release After the intervention of the United Nations High Commissioner In charge of human rights in Cambodia And many other local human rights .
The demonstrators 10 others That those arrested with Not yet released And among these 10 people are wounded by the competent In 2 people seriously injured with broken heads and broken hand .
10 prosecutors to build cases to court on Jan. 3 .
5 monk Officials and civil society And 10 other garment workers Army special forces intervene umbrella reference 911 armed soldiers chhtrayong Division 911 type crackdown and arrested On 02 January 2014 , during clashes between soldiers and workers in the garment stricken village Tasek Kambol Porsenchey Phnom Penh .
Please listen to his report came as compassionate about this :

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