Association officials announced to all civil servants to strike wages

While workers And teachers are protesting an increase in the base Association officials, independent Promote livelihood servants Announced to civil servants across the country join the strike demanding better wages.Letter independent association officials Compact English (CICA) dated January 8 , called on civil servants to join protests Not to leave or hang To encourage the government agreed to a base salary of civil servants 2 million per month .
Independent Association officials said Kao pue on January 9 that the Association 's members began to strike Not many days ago Demanding better wages . Kao pue hope to have many servants more Participate in the required pay . The He stated that Although the government can not pay in time Government should also identify any who can pay to such demands .
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Officials central cabinet spokesman Phay Phan called calls Illegal acts Inciting the country 's travel stuck . Phay Phan said Servants join strike demonstrations May face sacked .
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Related to pay civil servants Cambodian government Issued a decree on January 2 by an increase in the local civil servants And national police soldiers and prison officers And additional fees for contracted teachers , servants get paid 4 thousand or 8 thousand riel its framework . The soldiers of the Armed Forces , National Police and prison officers Obtain additional fees 200 4 billion USD in 1 day . The teacher contract Receive an additional 4 thousand riel . Association officials considered independent Installation Is very little that is not appropriate to goods on the market .

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