The Best Way To Increase PageRank.

What is PageRank and what important of it in blogging? Why people so curious to increase it. All this questions might roaming in your mind right? If this kind of question really roaming in your mind then you are a serious blogger. I does not mean that other are not. But you might think one step ahead of them. Well keep this discussion aside and lets start to the our main topic. PageRank is analysis of link algorithm that is worked to determine relative importance of your links by the search engines in their database.


To understand PageRank in simple sentence means, it is calculated on the number of links that your site has in below manners. It is calculated by the different algorithms that is made by search engines.
  • Do-Follow Links
  • No-Follow Links
  • Internal Links
  • Inbound Links
  • External Links
  • Back Links

Above links are analyze by the Google and other PageRank sits to assign numerical pagerank from 1 to 10 for your site. So what you have to to increase your PageRank? How you can get these links? I am going to explain you how you can increase it with best and most popular method.


I think you might read this on every topic that is related to increasing anything to improve your site. Quality content is one of the best and the most trusted way to increase it. You site must have quality content to increase pagerank. You might want to read how to write killer post?


Keeping your fresh in the sense you must update your site regularly. Who produced unique and fresh content on their site regularly Google will crawl their site more frequently and the chances are more to increase PageRank. To produced best and fresh content be updated with the latest trends on your niche and post about is before it gets older.


Guest Posting is best and most used tactics to increase PageRank. There are so many blogs which offers guest posting from which you can get good high quality back link to your site by just posting an article on it. By posting as guest on a good PageRank blog you can get two or three back links.


One of the above factor works on this. You must have a quality Backlinks to boost your PageRank. You can get the high quality back links for your site by submitting your site to different web directories and article directories.

List of Web and Article Directories:

  1. Best of the Web
  2. Yahoo Directory
  3. DMOZ
  4. Ezine Articles
  5. Article Base
  6. Go Articles


How you can use best keywords for your site? It is very simple to find keyword for your site. You can use any of the keyword tool to get most profitable keyword for your site and Google Keyword Tool is best tool to research keywords. People are always prefer to search using keyword rather using whole sentence so if you use most used keyword that so frequent in search result you can get higher change to get visible to your visitors and more visibility increase change to get more visit and more visit increase chance to get better PageRank. But also make sure that your most used keyword good search rank also.


Why do people ask for commenting to get good PageRank? This is one of the best and the crucial tactics to get good PageRank. By posting fresh and unique content regularly is not enough, you have to be socially active in blogging community. Some blogs provide Dofollow back links so it will help you to increase PageRank. You can also find some blogs that has CommentLuv Plugins that automatically places links of last post published on commentators site.


Nowadays Social Media is one of the best way to get back links and that can increase your PageRank. You also have to active on social media to get popularity. You social presence make you popular and popularity means more link to your site. Social Bookmarking is the effective way to increase PageRank.

List of Best Social Bookmarking Sites:

  1. Google Plus
  2. Facebook
  3. Squidoo
  4. Digg
  5. Hubpages
  6. StumbleUpon
  7. Pinterest
  8. Twitter


You can also increase your traffic by advertising on different sites with banners or ads and by this you can also get good number back links.


Forums are one of the most and regularly updated things on the web and Google loves it. Use forums to get good back link from these forums and that will increase your PageRank.


You can also get back links by adding links to your signatures. Add links signature in your email and forum posts but make sure that you don't spam otherwise you will be blocked

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