There are so many bloggers who think that commenting on other blog is waste of time and it increase popularity of that blog, their own blog don't get any advantage. You might also think this or might confuse that why you should comment on other blog. Did I get any advantage by commenting on other blog? Well your question is right. Every blogger is keen to grown reputation of their blog not others. Well I will explain you in this post that how you can get advantage by commenting on other blogs. If you still not opting this, you might missing the benefits of it. So if you really want to know that what advantage you can gain by commenting on other blog then read on.
There is simple fundamental of commenting on other blog is to get exposure. You will get notice by other bloggers too if you comment. Your blog get more visit when people saw your comment on the same blog where they are commenting. It builds your online reputation and you would be the know person online in blogger community.
To achieve difficult tasks you need a team so that it can be achieve easily. To build good relation you should comment on blog regularly so that blog author get notice you and he also might be interested to visit your blog. This is one of the best strategy to build relationship. You can share a blogging tips and secrets with each other and can grow together. This helps to build successful blog and your reputation. Just think what you can gain from a top class blogger if you established a good relationship with them.
Commenting on the blog always drive traffic your blog. Your referral traffic increase dramatically when you start commenting on regular basis on other blog. People often want to connect with you. It helps to increase your Search Engine Ranking, PageRank including your traffic.
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There are so many companies who sponsored bloggers to review their product or service on their blog. By this they get good conversion rate. Somehow those companies visit your blog through your comments and may ask you to write sponsored review on your blog. You will simply get paid for that review and don't you think that is another great way to get income from your blog?
Your mind blowing comment can attract to the visitor to follow your link whenever you comments on post that add value in it. There is no other option for visitor without following your link. The other visitor and commenters are usually excited to visit your link that what you share on your blog. This formula is just like a free advertisement and also builds your relationship with host blogger.
No wonder that every blogger are working to improve their PageRank and Backlinks. Google rank the article on its search engine by measuring the PageRank and leaving dofollow tag on comments. This is the great way to increase your PageRank. An improve PageRank also considered by the direct advertisers as well as sponsored of paid post for your blog when they contacting you. So it helps you to increase PageRank, Backlinks and earning also.
It is difficult to guest post without any relation or reputation. There are very less chances to get your post approved for guest post. Commenting create both side guest posting opportunity. People will ask to write guest post on your site if they tract your comment are informative and relative to the niche. And it also create opportunity to guest post on host blog if he notice that you are regular visitor of his blog and your comments are so genuine.
We all know that how much important of engagement in blogging is. By leaving comments on other blog on daily basis, it’s also increase the chance for more engagement. Whenever you comment on other blog in your niche most of the people will respond you by visiting your site and commenting on that. This is the give and take method to increase the engagement on your blog. Other blogger will think to visit your site after knowing that you are regular reader of their site and regular commentator.
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Now I think you know the importance of commenting on other site. Only the thing you have to keep in mind that your comment should be related the topic and not to be spam. Rather commenting "Nice Post", Thanks for sharing" commenting something that relate to the post actually. These are the key feature of commenting on other blog. So let’s start commenting from this blog.