This report follows on from Mexico turned ELC cassava 4 thousand acres

This report follows on from Mexico turned ELC cassava 4 thousand acres

Mexico rent concession from 14 thousand acres in the land of poor Pursat But the state has taken land out of 10 thousand acres to be distributed to citizens as a social land And forest communities . So only 4 thousand acres .
Representatives from Mexico Lao Meng said reporter Information Center Home tamarind Cassava in the territory , said Today only 4 thousand acres cassava almost WV Who spent several hundred million dollars .
Cassava technical managers Henan Chinese Phong Son said ground cassava 4 thousand acres The company has four categories are 10 meters long , 8 meters long , 6 meters wide and 4 meters , four total , more than 1,600 km Companies can also allow residents to travel on the road all this .
Yield to the number of workers and encourage workers Cassava Chinese experts Said today the company There are more than 200 Chinese experts , experts Khmer than 1,000 workers and more than 6,000 people , and get paid less Or more depending on the size when grown Day 3 thousand And when we have more than 45 tons ( Per hectare ) over matters to workers . Thus , workers must be educated role Fertilizer We reflected the grass roots How can it increase Workers than perfectly ( 45 tons per hectare ) .
During down Reporter 's information center tamarind also meet workers . Than ten workers Most Women Which are small watering Cassava At a location where Mentioned to reporters the tamarind that they work in here Be better than they work , where they worked . For salaried never lost in each day is get two thousand riel And one kilogram of rice . You work with cassava than two thousand acres From various provinces And among those who Watering From Takeo Province , Cham , Prey .
Even in a good many All workers , there are still some They requested . Worker , among many Said so « Free baytuk OK , day one kilogram of rice Money of his two thousand riel , But it khveahte school and health center request . Now I would like to suggest that To provide schools And hospitals . Today I come to take their child And housing is also facing some problems because today I was in a tent roof .
Actual notice of the original reporter of the information center tamarind for accommodation There are some decent And others Should make better . Moreover , whatever examination and treatment But because of the enormous size too making skills , as well as some workers who stay Away from medical tests Cause they had difficulties . Separate schools Companies have not been built yet .
Middle-aged men , sex Sroem khmawsrasa estimated annual medical officer at the Farm Hospital Cassava from Mexico Seng potential , said current room hospital room Rank only health test Today , he is documented medical tests Better And transform the health testing centers ' collaboration with provincial departments And I work as a project Proposals to the company To benefit all workers Khmer .
In response to the problem As well as suggestions of workers Husserl Phong Sun are Cassava technical managers as Chinese Claims , promising Problems that workers face The current housing Companies from Mexico Has been solved And continuous improvement He stated that In fact , the company has already But there are some places lack , because there is a temporary But the company strives to make more such Accommodation , health centers , schools , clean water , sanitation , electricity and so on . Medical To hospital with a Chinese doctor . And those external to the medical treatment Help pay well .
Husserl Phong Son said on this issue , so I am now recycling Care workers , and I am prepared to exist to workers As we say that more than 45 tons is more than Allotted to workers . Now I am prepared Medical and housing , education and everything in I feel coordinated with workers .
Husserl Phong Sun further explained that 4 thousand acres of land divided into 6 blocks and each block Divided into a grid Cells buonochroungosmae each grid size of 10 acres . Together of four grid points As a central point To build a center with accommodation , health centers , schools , clean water , sanitation and electricity . 4 grid phkomknea With the center at the center of this size is 20 square kilometers .
Now we turn to talk about the chain Or activities . On the territory grow cassava 4 thousand acres of companies from Mexico Local Pursat province Machinery for digging canals plowed land and cassava , as well as cassava tubers , cut Krovanh , vast fields The cement floor for terrace tartan Krovanh , starch manufacturers And is building large shed for drying Krovanh .
Flour end product is a raw material for many employers to produce both eat and pharmaceuticals , transport to China A consolation to the shortage in the country . Husserl Phong Sun are Cassava technical managers as Chinese Companies from Mexico , Said that earlier this raw Flour In China, there is enough supply for demand From one production in mainland China But the last few years Due to weather fluctuations Climate Make some ground in China can Cassava So bring China lacks raw Flour . To fill the shortage Chinese companies turned to cassava in the territory of other countries Such as Cambodia and then submit the finished product is branding to its A consolation for demand in China .

Photo by DAP-News 
Photo by DAP-News 
Photo by DAP-News
Dark Chenda go-Total and Jewel Viseth

Dark Chenda go-Total and Jewel Viseth

Phnom Penh Post in the past used to get information from meatchabmeatpreab Consecutive Male white cutie Jewel Viseth stolen children loved love The young actress Miss Total In the past, he had been tested bangheur on Media Once already Valiant love Total long . Particularly September Total tend not showing Any positive identification Viseth contrast I should not be argued And came forward claiming she and the male only As a friend , nothing more than this .
Oldest first he said " She argued " Although male actor cutie Jewel Viseth trying to show the enormous size loved He Professional artists , including Miss Total , however , she still maintained Hardened as rocks Accepted Accept love with her ​​so that she was young and not want Phnon and game lovers in now .
Involving Love In this pair of young brothers , famous host station City Dark Chenda as their go - to star pair of young brothers As seen from Viseth love Miss Total made ​​her Emotion and desire Both of them agreed chettathlaem And Gospel In the near future .
Moreover , also She took photosIndicates that in the near future Both of them can not sole walking compared to that .
According to sources from the same artists Has revealed that Contact Their love Currently it can be said that work well because they are often gradually moving around and start See step by step And just they do not want publicity , see caption lovers Stronger .
Want to know the lovely couple Fresh host And influential City TV station in her Dark Chinda placed to become the go- to help them love each other, Manufacturers can sole The traditional Khmer when title and love this level of success .
Celebrities together to celebrate 2014

Celebrities together to celebrate 2014

Last night , this great gathering from celebrities in the Kingdom Cambodia to celebrate the new year 2014 .
Although different from previous years , which does not have a concert at public places for the audience , but the fun is still due to the live broadcast The concert Pass through CTN television stations in Naga World Hotel with participation from top singer Kingdom The country as he dove safety Sokun adventurers September Kanha compatible Sovann Nop Thirith commitments . All we observe that the star 's efforts Best to serve audiences A depression is happy to welcome the new year 2014 with their efforts both dance Merry famous songs and happy facial expression and to encourage solidarity , we can see through the camera together behind the scenes that caused the audience to see and feel the excitement and impressed They are strong .
The audience is so happy and who has seen many celebrities come out performances together like this if the next program is what people want to see any star appeared ?

Countdown night jolted around the world Trackback

Countdown night jolted around the world Trackback

 London, England
Countdown night jolted around the world Trackback
Sound loudness heard in cities around the world last night Under the sounds of fireworks leanlyy domain psotha While millions of people took part in celebrating New Year 2014 .
Click to read : normal ! London plans to create aerial Shanghai Wei for riders
Run from London , UK hundreds of thousands of its citizens were anticipating this event very tkkrahl Keeping an eye on the final seconds of the clock And that is the approaching New Year 2014 With fireworks emerge in the air create a fantastic view on the veil tonight .
Click , read : youth dividing cells For this special night
However , the above events even greater for UAE Which is said Record largest fireworks display on the last night .
See Countdown Around the world with a series as follows :

Moscow Russia

Dubai UAE

Jakarta, Indonesia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hong Kong
Sydney, Australia
New Zealand
The fire at the Great Wall of China
Comments to "Countdown night jolted around the world" 
Thais arrest 21 in border logging bust

Thais arrest 21 in border logging bust

In the latest series of arrests involving illegal logging on the Cambodian-Thai border, 21 Cambodians were picked up by Thai authorities on Friday while attempting to smuggle rosewood into Oddar Meanchey province, a rights group said yesterday.
Srey Naren, provincial coordinator for rights groups Adhoc, told the Post yesterday that the illegal loggers attempted to cross the border in two groups but were caught in Si Sa Ket province, about seven kilometres from the border in Khun Han district.
“One group consisted of 17 people and another of five, but Thai soldiers released one 13-year-old boy because of his age,” Naren said, adding that the 20 other Cambodians would remain in Thailand, where they will face prison sentences ranging from three months to one year.
The boy and two other men among the arrested are from Trapaing Brasat district’s O’Svay commune, confirmed Chan Yen, village chief of Akphivath.
“These people were carrying 30 to 50 kilograms of rosewood back into Cambodia when they were arrested by Thai soldiers and detained in Khun Han district,” Yen said.
However, despite numerous tales of arrests and shootings along the border this year, Pich Vanna, chief of the Cambodian-Thai Border Relations Office, said that illegal logging and unsanctioned border crossing had dropped in 2013.
“After using tough measures and educating locals, not many people cross the border unofficially,” Vanna said, adding that only six or seven cases of shooting deaths of Cambodian loggers by Thai authorities had been recorded this year.
That number pales in comparison, however, to figures provided by Adhoc’s Naren, who said the rights group has tallied 38 such deaths in 2013.
Would NSA surveillance have stopped 9/11 plot?

Would NSA surveillance have stopped 9/11 plot?

One World Trade Center rises above the lower Manhattan skyline in New York. Twelve years after terrorists destroyed the old World Trade Center, the new World Trade Center is becoming a reality in 2013, with a museum commemorating the attacks and two office towers where thousands of people will work set to open within the next year.

Editor's note: Peter Bergen is CNN's national security analyst, a director at the New America Foundation and the author of "Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for bin Laden -- From 9/11 to Abbottabad" which this article draws upon.
(CNN) -- The Obama administration has framed its defense of the controversial bulk collection of all American phone records as necessary to prevent a future 9/11.
During a House Intelligence Committee hearing on June 18, NSA director Gen. Keith Alexander said, "Let me start by saying that I would much rather be here today debating this point than trying to explain how we failed to prevent another 9/11."
This closely mirrors talking points by the National Security Agency about how to defend the program.
Peter Bergen
In the talking points, NSA officials are encouraged to use "sound bites that resonate," specifically, "I much prefer to be here today explain these programs, than explaining another 9/11 event that we were not able to prevent."
On Friday in New York, Judge William H. Pauley III ruled that NSA's bulk collection of American telephone records is lawful. He cited Alexander's testimony and quoted him saying, "We couldn't connect the dots because we didn't have the dots."
But is it really the case that the U.S. intelligence community didn't have the dots in the lead up to 9/11? Hardly.
In fact, the intelligence community provided repeated strategic warning in the summer of 9/11 that al Qaeda was planning a large-scale attacks on American interests.
Here is a representative sampling of the CIA threat reporting that was distributed to Bush administration officials during the spring and summer of 2001:
-- CIA, "Bin Ladin Planning Multiple Operations," April 20
-- CIA, "Bin Ladin Attacks May Be Imminent," June 23
-- CIA, "Planning for Bin Ladin Attacks Continues, Despite Delays," July 2
-- CIA, "Threat of Impending al Qaeda Attack to Continue Indefinitely," August 3
The failure to respond adequately to these warnings was a policy failure by the Bush administration, not an intelligence failure by the U.S. intelligence community.
A case of missed opportunities
The CIA itself also had its own spectacular failure in the run up to 9/11, which wasn't a failure to collect intelligence, but a failure of information sharing. The CIA had quite a bit of information about two of the hijackers and their presence in the United States before 9/11, which the agency didn't share with other government agencies until it was too late to do anything about it.
The government missed multiple opportunities to catch al Qaeda hijacker Khalid al-Mihdhar when he was living in San Diego for a year and a half in the run up to 9/11, not because it lacked access to all Americans phone records but because it didn't share the information it already possessed about the soon-to-be hijacker within other branches of the government.
The missed opportunities in the al-Mihdhar case are well-documented. The CIA failed to "watch-list" al-Mihdhar and another suspected al Qaeda terrorist, Nawaf al-Hazmi, whom the agency had been tracking since they attended an al Qaeda summit in Malaysia on January 5, 2000.
The failure to put Mihdhar and Hamzi on a watch list meant that immigration and law enforcement authorities were not alerted to their presence when they entered the United States under their real names. Ten days after the meeting in Malaysia, on January 15, 2000, al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar flew into Los Angeles.
The CIA also did not alert the FBI about the identities of the suspected terrorists so that the bureau could look for them once they were inside the United States.
An investigation by the CIA inspector general -- published in unclassified form in 2007 -- found that this was not the oversight of a couple of agency employees but rather that a large number of CIA officers and analysts had dropped the ball. Some 50 to 60 agency employees read cables about the two al Qaeda suspects without taking any action.
Some of those officers knew that one of the al Qaeda suspects had a visa for the United States, and by March 2001, some knew that the other suspect had flown to Los Angeles.
The soon-to-be hijackers would not have been difficult to find in California if their names had been known to law enforcement. Under their real names, they rented an apartment, got driver's licenses, opened bank accounts, purchased a car and took flight lessons. Al-Mihdhar even listed his name in the local phone directory.
It was only on August 24, 2001, as a result of questions raised by a CIA officer on assignment at the FBI, that the two al Qaeda suspects were watch-listed and their names communicated to the bureau. Even then, the FBI sent out only a "routine" notice requesting an investigation of al-Mihdhar. Nothing substantive came of this request.
A month later, al-Hamzi and al-Mihdhar were two of the hijackers on American Airlines Flight 77 that plunged into the Pentagon, killing 189 people.
The CIA inspector general's report concluded that "informing the FBI and good operational follow-through by CIA and FBI might have resulted in surveillance of both al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi. Surveillance, in turn, would have had the potential to yield information on flight training, financing, and links to others who were complicit in the 9/11 attacks."
It's about the sharing
These multiple missed opportunities challenge the administration's claims that the NSA's bulk phone data surveillance program could have prevented the 9/11 attacks. The key problem was one of information sharing, not the lack of information.
Obama administration officials who defend the NSA bulk collection of phone records program cite the failure to detect al-Mihdhar's presence in San Diego before 9/11 as a reason to justify the program.
Then-FBI Director Robert Mueller argued before the House Judiciary Committee on June 13 that bulk collection of telephone records might have prevented 9/11.
"Before 9/11, there was an individual by the name of Khalid al-Mihdhar, who came to be one of the principal hijackers. He was being tracked by the intelligence agencies in the Far East. They lost track of him. At the same time, the intelligence agencies had identified an al Qaeda safe house in Yemen.
"They understood that that al Qaeda safe house had a telephone number, but they could not know who was calling into that particular safe house. We came to find out afterwards that the person who had called into that safe house was al-Mihdhar, who was in the United States in San Diego. If we had had this program in place at the time, we would have been able to identify that particular telephone number in San Diego."
As documented above, however, the government missed multiple opportunities to catch al-Mihdhar, and the failure was one of information sharing inside the U.S. intelligence community. Since we can't run history backward, all we can say with certainty is that it is an indisputable fact that the proper sharing of intelligence by the CIA with other agencies about al-Mihdhar may well have derailed the 9/11 plot. And it is merely an untestable hypothesis that if the NSA bulk phone collection program had been in place at the time that it might have helped to find the soon-to-be-hijackers in San Diego.
Indeed, the overall problem for U.S. counterterrorism officials is not that they don't gather enough information from the bulk surveillance of American phone data but that they don't sufficiently understand or widely share the information they already possess that is derived from conventional law enforcement and intelligence techniques.
An unfortunate pattern of cases
What was true of the two 9/11 hijackers living in San Diego and was also the unfortunate pattern we have seen in several other significant terrorism cases:
-- Chicago resident David Coleman Headley was central to the planning of the 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai that killed 166 people. Yet, following the 9/11 attacks, U.S. authorities received plausible tips regarding Headley's associations with militant groups at least five times from his family members, friends and acquaintances. These multiple tips were never followed up in an effective fashion.
-- Maj. Nidal Hasan, a military psychiatrist, killed 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009. Yet intelligence agencies had intercepted multiple e-mails between Hasan and Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S.-born cleric living in Yemen who was notorious for his ties to militants. The e-mails included a discussion of the permissibility in Islam of killing U.S. soldiers. Counterterrorism investigators didn't follow up on these e-mails, believing they were somehow consistent with Hasan's job as a military psychiatrist.
-- Carlos Bledsoe, a convert to Islam, fatally shot a soldier at a Little Rock, Arkansas, military recruiting office in 2009. Shortly before the attack, Bledsoe had traveled to Yemen. As a result, Bledsoe was under investigation by the FBI yet he was still able to buy the weapons he needed for his deadly attack when he was back in the United States.
-- Nigerian Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab attempted to blow up Northwest Flight 253 over Detroit on Christmas Day 2009 with an "underwear bomb." Luckily, the bomb failed to explode. Yet, a few weeks before the botched attack, AbdulMutallab's father contacted the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria with concerns that his son had become radicalized and might be planning something. This information wasn't further investigated.
AbdulMutallab had been recruited by al Qaeda's branch in Yemen for the mission
The White House's review of the underwear bomb plot concluded that there was sufficient information known to the U.S. government to determine that AbdulMutallab was likely working for al Qaeda in Yemen and that the group was looking to expand its attacks beyond Yemen. Yet AbdulMutallab was allowed to board a plane bound for the United States without any question.
All of these serious terrorism cases argue not for the gathering of ever vaster troves of information but simply for a better understanding of the information the government has already collected and that are derived from conventional law enforcement and intelligence methods.

29 Photo from Trol Island of Cambodia ( Now Managed By Vietnam)

29 Photos From KOSH TROL ( TROL ISLAND) Of Cambodia that now Cambodia government managed by Prime Minister Hun Sen have signed agreement provided to Vietnam as illegal and Cambodia People they have been protesting with this case by called Mr. Hun Sen is slavery of Vietnam ( Hanoi City) .

Anyway, These Photo took by Khmer People when they to visited at there  in 2013, and post on his facebook ( SOK TOUCH) , These photo really reminded the Cambodia about the real life of victims in the past. However, Cambodia People now they still struggling until the end of their life to do what for get back their asset or valuable.

A Story Have Get Reaction from Monks and Thai People For 2013.

Thailand:  A Story that happened in Thailand and get a lot of reaction from Thailand monks and Thailand People for year 2013.

Police Said, This problem should not happened and this issue really affected to Thai culture and honor of country as well.

And a Thai monk, said that, "I do not accept this action and what they have do, I do not want to meet again in Thailand."

According to mention above and the story that get reaction for year 2013, Please watch now.  as bellow,

Please Click Here For Detail of reaction. CLICK

10 Photos Made The World Hurt And Said, Please Stop A war and Allow People live with Peace and Freedom.

10 Photos Made The World Hurt  And Said, Please Stop A war and Allow People live with Peace and Freedom.
The People in the world they so sad and replied to world leaders please consideration making about people's life and peace and freedom include human rights respecting.
Regarding to the mention above, I would request to leaders in the world please stop criminal action and war and care people and respect their rights for live in the world. They really need peace and freedom and live with happiness.